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BOOK An appointment

Our appointments are separated into two separate categories: "Pain and Performance" and "Wellness and Recovery". 


Pain and Performance appointments are meant for individuals who have acute and chronic issues that affect their everyday lives and impacts their activity. These individuals will be examined and given a treatment plan that is designed specifically for their needs. Our goal with these sessions is to get our patients back to the activities they love and living a life without pain. 


Wellness and Recovery sessions are meant for individuals who want to take a proactive approach to their health and maintain optimum function of their bodies. These individuals are not experiencing any symptoms, and do not have acute or chronic issues looking to be treated. These sessions look to improve and maintain overall function of the body by addressing the muscles of  the lower or upper body. These plans are not tailored for individual needs, but are meant solely for recovery purposes or "muscular hygiene". These appointments are ideal for weekend warriors who are looking for a "tune up". 


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